Saturday, October 16, 2010

Interfaith Musings under an Imaginary Fig tree in Jerusalem

A song of this Time - Interfaith Musings under an Imaginary Fig tree in Jerusalem

Be sure that the light in your eyes

Is not filled with darkness, He said.

How many heard then

How many hear it now,

I wondered…

Why would He say something like that, I wondered

Eyes are windows to the Soul, I then remembered

So it makes me wonder,

What He wanted us to see, reflect and act upon.

Be watchful of what goes into you heart, I hear him say

Greed, arrogance, lust and short-sightedness just leads everyone astray

So work on these everyday and make the temple clean,

Know that the Kingdom of Heaven has a place for everyone who turns and built by them.


One day I wake up

Feeling weary of hating those who oppressed.

I knew it was a state i experienced not a station.

How did that happen, I wondered

Another day I woke up

Feeling good and filled with love towards oppressors

I knew it was a state i experienced, not a station.

How did that happen, I wondered

Yet another day I woke up

Feeling that it happens when I kept the temple clean for Him

I knew it was a state i experienced, not a station.

How did that happen, I wondered


Now i know how good it would be if these fleeting glimpses last.


I knew I had got lost

And found my way back

Now I want to keep walking the right path

And know where I am heading

Towards Him… and friends that surround Him!

And you know, every step towards Him

Is a blessing…

Yet the life is not without charming dangers

And distractions and traps begin their work to lure

To see your worth! the Master says.

Forty days is enough

To turn towards the Friend

I heard someone whisper.

Be free from greed, lust and hate

Be free of sins, and sin no more.

True repentance is not doing it again even though the opportunity exists

That is true repentance, and it is true indeed! I hear him say

God is forgiving and merciful to those who truly turn

So take the first step and extend your hand out to reconcile

Treat each other with love, respect and compassion and righteousness

These are not mere words

Give life to them and act, that is what I want and my father wants

From you and everyone else, I heard him say.


As I write these, I hear new sounds

New birds, changed weather, a cyclone somewhere

The winds, their persistence and power manifest

The songs of new birds make me move to the window, to see the visitors

Sounds of the evening changed by the wind

Winds that bring change

Overwhelming changes.

It made me wonder!


Some parts of the self needs to be destroyed or dismantled

For other parts to flourish

Inner cleansing is needed for the blossoming to happen

If thorns are allowed to grow then it will harm the blossoming

So be sure to keep things trimmed, for the flowers to bloom.


The conviction in him, his being spoke and I knew I could trust the words

But he demanded more, from everyone who could hear

Do not just listen to me, what are words without action, he questioned

My Father expects and so do I that you love one another as I have loved you, shown you

I have been a friend and I have shown you to serve

Love one another, serve one another

Do not be misled by the world

Be just, kind, forgiving and merciful

Repent, reconcile, restore, act with faith

Even if it is the size of a mustard seed that is enough

You can ask mountains to uproot and throw themselves into the sea, he shared


To hear him speak, what a blessing for those around

People who lived with a legend, a messiah, a son of God

Judging by the actions alone he is worthy to be called a son of God

Serving, leading towards light, healing, building the kingdom of God

Here on earth, through love, compassion and service.

For he came not to judge, but help us turn

He spoke with certainty and grace, love and compassion

That even oppressors heart would melt.


I have to pave my path

Through actions filled with love and compassion

I have to plough my un-ploughed fields

And plant seeds of righteous thoughts and action

I have to build this temple brick by brick

With devotion and adoration

And carve out a throne for the King

And now sometimes I feel he walks by whispering, I Love you.

One sight a blessing, said the Prophet once for all humanity to hear

I long for that sighting

But I know He is around, for I sometimes hear him whispering

I Love you, I Love you all.

My Father Loves you, He Loves you all.


Then I heard Him say

Yes, we are upset.

By all the disgraceful, greedy and spiteful actions

Yes, we are upset that you all got messed up so bad.

Yes, you sell freedom and choice

Yet, you steal these away from people

Yes, you made us too into a commodity

Yet, we have Love for all beings


We wanted to reside in your hearts

That is how close We want to be

For We Love you so much

So it is never too late to redeem your self

To act with love and kindness, mercy, compassion and faith

Be filled with righteous thoughts, truth and justice

Yet, humble for even Our Grace is sometimes earned.


And then it dawned one day.

I know now that I can Love

And be righteous

For, I know now right from wrong

Of my times and of eternity

I wish to be in this station and be reconciled

I know now that I can heal

And be just

For I know now how peace is realized

Piece by little piece.

- moon, Oct 2009, 2010